Class RootScene<TE>

Type Parameters





assetType: "model" = ...
autoNearFarEnabled: boolean = true

For Programmatically toggling autoNearFar. This property is not supposed to be in the UI or serialized. Use camera.userData.autoNearFar for UI and serialization This is used in PickingPlugin autoNearFar will still be disabled if this is true and camera.userData.autoNearFar is false

background: null | Color | ITexture | "environment" = null

Defines the background of the scene.

Valid inputs are:

  • A Color for defining a uniform colored background.
  • A Texture for defining a (flat) textured background.
  • Texture cubes (CubeTexture) or equirectangular textures for defining a skybox.
  • A value 'environment' will force the background to be same as environment.


backgroundColor: null | Color = null

Custom property for background tint, or just background color rendered in the shader

backgroundIntensity: number = 1

The intensity for the environment light.

children: IObject3D[]

Array with object's children.

THREE.Object3DGroup | Group for info on manually grouping objects.


clone: (recursive?: boolean) => this

Returns a clone of this object and optionally all descendants.

Type declaration

    • (recursive?: boolean): this
    • Parameters

      • Optionalrecursive: boolean

        If true, descendants of the object are also cloned. Default true

      Returns this

copy: (source: this, recursive?: boolean, ...args: any[]) => this

Copy the given object into this object

Type declaration

    • (source: this, recursive?: boolean, ...args: any[]): this
    • Parameters

      • source: this
      • Optionalrecursive: boolean

        If true, descendants of the object are also copied. Default true

      • ...args: any[]

      Returns this

Note: event listeners and user-defined callbacks (.onAfterRender and .onBeforeRender) are not copied.

defaultCamera: ICamera

The default camera in the scene

environment: null | ITexture = null

The default environment map used when rendering materials in the scene

envMapIntensity: number = 1

The intensity for the environment light.

envMapRotation: number = 0

Rotation in radians of the default environment map. Same as environment.rotation.

Note - this is not serialized here, but inside the texture.

fixedEnvMapDirection: boolean = false

Fixed direction environment reflections irrespective of camera position.

getObjectById: <T extends IObject3D = IObject3D>(id: number) => undefined | T

Searches through an object and its children, starting with the object itself, and returns the first with a matching id.

Type declaration

    • <T extends IObject3D = IObject3D>(id: number): undefined | T
    • Type Parameters


      • id: number

        Unique number of the object instance. Expects a Integer

      Returns undefined | T

Note that ids are assigned in chronological order: 1, 2, 3, ..., incrementing by one for each new object.


getObjectByName: <T extends IObject3D = IObject3D>(
    name: string,
) => undefined | T

Searches through an object and its children, starting with the object itself, and returns the first with a matching name.

Type declaration

Note that for most objects the name is an empty string by default

getObjectByProperty: <T extends IObject3D = IObject3D>(
    name: string,
    value: string,
) => undefined | T

Searches through an object and its children, starting with the object itself, and returns the first with a property that matches the value given.

Type declaration

    • <T extends IObject3D = IObject3D>(name: string, value: string): undefined | T
    • Type Parameters


      • name: string

        the property name to search for.

      • value: string

        value of the given property.

      Returns undefined | T

isRootScene: true
modelRoot: IObject3D

The root object where all imported objects are added.

parent: null | IObject3D

Object's parent in the scene graph.

An object can have at most one parent.


refreshUi: any = ...
remove: (...object: IObject3D[]) => this

Removes a Object3D as child of this Object3D.

An arbitrary number of objects may be removed.

Group for info on manually grouping objects.

textureSlots: Record<string, ITexture> = {}

Extra textures/envmaps that can be used by objects/materials/plugins and will be serialized.

traverse: (callback: (object: IObject3D) => void) => void

Executes the callback on this object and all descendants.

Type declaration

    • (callback: (object: IObject3D) => void): void
    • Parameters

      • callback: (object: IObject3D) => void

        A function with as first argument an Object3D object.

      Returns void

Note: Modifying the scene graph inside the callback is discouraged.

traverseAncestors: (callback: (object: IObject3D) => void) => void

Executes the callback on all ancestors.

Type declaration

    • (callback: (object: IObject3D) => void): void
    • Parameters

      • callback: (object: IObject3D) => void

        A function with as first argument an Object3D object.

      Returns void

Note: Modifying the scene graph inside the callback is discouraged.

traverseVisible: (callback: (object: IObject3D) => void) => void

Like traverse, but the callback will only be executed for visible objects

Type declaration

    • (callback: (object: IObject3D) => void): void
    • Parameters

      • callback: (object: IObject3D) => void

        A function with as first argument an Object3D object.

      Returns void

Descendants of invisible objects are not traversed.

uiConfig: UiObjectConfig



  • Parameters

    • dispose: boolean = false
    • setDirty: boolean = true

    Returns void

  • Dispose the scene and clear all resources. WARNING - Not fully implemented yet, just clears the scene.


    • clear: boolean = true

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • setDirty: boolean = true
    • clear: boolean = true

    Returns void

  • Refreshes the scene active camera near far values, based on the scene bounding box. This is called automatically every time the camera fov is updated.

    Returns void

  • Returns the bounding box of the whole scene (model root and other meta objects). To get the bounds of just the objects added by the user(not by plugins) use new Box3B().expandByObject(scene.modelRoot)


    • precise: boolean = false
    • ignoreInvisible: boolean = true
    • ignoreWidgets: boolean = true
    • OptionalignoreObject: (obj: Object3D) => boolean

    Returns Box3B

  • Similar to getBounds, but returns the bounding box of just the modelRoot.


    • precise: boolean = false
    • ignoreInvisible: boolean = true
    • ignoreWidgets: boolean = true
    • OptionalignoreObject: (obj: Object3D) => boolean

    Returns Box3B

  • Refreshes the scene active camera near far values, based on the scene bounding box. This is called automatically every time the camera is updated.

    Returns void

  • For visualizing the scene bounds. API incomplete.


    • Optionalevent: Partial<{ object: IObject3D<IObject3DEventMap>; change?: string | undefined; args?: any[] | undefined; bubbleToParent: boolean; } | { object: IObject3D<IObject3DEventMap>; geometry: IGeometry<...>; bubbleToParent: boolean; } | { ...; }> & ISceneSetDirtyOptions & { ...; }

    Returns this

  • Parameters

    • rootObject: undefined | Object3D = undefined

      The object to point at.

    • centerOffset: Vector3 = ...

      The distance offset from the object to point at.

    • targetOffset: Vector3 = ...

      The distance offset for the target from the center of object to point at.

    Returns void

    Sets the camera pointing towards the object at a specific distance.

  • Sets the backgroundColor property from a string, number or Color, and updates the scene.


    • color: null | string | number | Color

    Returns void

  • Equivalent to setDirty({refreshScene: true}), dispatches 'sceneUpdate' event with the specified options.


    Returns this

    use refreshScene

  • Parameters

    • material: {
          defines: Record<string, undefined | string | number>;
          uniforms: { [name: string]: IUniform };

    Returns this