Class FileTransferPlugin

File Transfer Plugin

Provides a way to extend the viewer.export functionality with custom actions. Used in AWSClientPlugin to upload files directly to S3.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



_dirty: boolean = false
_viewer?: ThreeViewer
_viewerListeners: PartialRecord<
    | "dispose"
    | "*"
    | "update"
    | "preRender"
    | "postRender"
    | "preFrame"
    | "postFrame"
    | "addPlugin"
    | "removePlugin"
    | "renderEnabled"
    | "renderDisabled",
    (e: IViewerEvent) => void,
> = {}
actions: {
    exportFile: (
        blob: Blob,
        name: string,
        _onProgress?: (
            d: { progress?: number; state?: "error" | "done" | "exporting" },
        ) => void,
    ) => Promise<void>;
} = ...
constructor: typeof AViewerPluginSync & typeof AViewerPlugin
defaultActions: {
    exportFile: (
        blob: Blob,
        name: string,
        _onProgress?: (
            d: { progress?: number; state?: "error" | "done" | "exporting" },
        ) => void,
    ) => Promise<void>;
} = ...
enabled: boolean = true
toJSON: any = undefined
uiConfig?: UiObjectConfig = undefined
OldPluginType?: string
PluginType: "FileTransferPlugin" = 'FileTransferPlugin'



  • Parameters

    • data: { path: string; progress?: number; state: string }

    Returns void