Force clip background. If this is true
clipBackground is overridden.
This happens when scene.background and scene.backgroundColor are both null.
This is set in ViewerRenderManager.render.
isOutput Color Space Note: this is ignored when renderToScreen is false (it will take the color space of the render target)
passUnique id for the pass. Used to determine the order of passes in the pipeline.
Passes that are required to be present in the pipeline to run this pass.
DEFAULT_renamed to isExtendedShaderPass
This function gets called at the beginning of every frame where this pass would be enabled.
This function gets called at the end of every frame where this pass would be enabled.
writeBuffer: null | WebGLMultipleRenderTargets | WebGLRenderTargetOptional
readBuffer: WebGLMultipleRenderTargets | WebGLRenderTargetOptional
deltaTime: numberOptional
maskActive: booleanOptional
writeBuffer: null | WebGLMultipleRenderTargets | WebGLRenderTargetOptional
deltaTime: numberOptional
maskActive: booleanSet the pass as dirty. This is implementation specific to the pass/plugin. It generally calls all onDirty and set the viewer dirty.
to be called from beforeRender or onObjectRender or similar.
updater: IShaderPropertiesUpdater | (undefined | IShaderPropertiesUpdater)[]
Passes that should run before this pass