Class OrbitControls3




  • Parameters

    • object: Camera
    • OptionaldomElement: HTMLElement

    Returns OrbitControls3


autoPullTarget: boolean = false
autoPushTarget: boolean = false
autoRotate: boolean = false

Set to true to automatically rotate around the target. Note that if this is enabled, you must call .update() in your animation loop. If you want the auto-rotate speed to be independent of the frame rate (the refresh rate of the display), you must pass the time deltaTime, in seconds, to .update().

autoRotateSpeed: number = 2.0

How fast to rotate around the target if .autoRotate is true. Default is 2.0, which equates to 30 seconds per orbit at 60fps. Note that if .autoRotate is enabled, you must call .update () in your animation loop.

clampMax: Vector3 = ...
clampMin: Vector3 = ...
dampingFactor: number = 0.08

The damping inertia used if .enableDamping is set to true. Note that for this to work, you must call .update () in your animation loop.

dollyZoom: boolean = false
enabled: boolean = true

When set to false, the controls will not respond to user input.

enableDamping: boolean = true

Set to true to enable damping (inertia), which can be used to give a sense of weight to the controls. Note that if this is enabled, you must call .update () in your animation loop.

enablePan: boolean = true

Enable or disable camera panning.

enableRotate: boolean = true

Enable or disable horizontal and vertical rotation of the camera. Note that it is possible to disable a single axis by setting the min and max of the polar angle or azimuth angle to the same value, which will cause the vertical or horizontal rotation to be fixed at that value.

enableZoom: boolean = true

Enable or disable zooming (dollying) of the camera.

keyPanSpeed: number = 7.0

How fast to pan the camera when the keyboard is used. Default is 7.0 pixels per keypress.

maxAzimuthAngle: number = 10000

How far you can orbit horizontally, upper limit. If set, the interval [ min, max ] must be a sub-interval of [ - 2 PI, 2 PI ], with ( max - min < 2 PI ).

maxDistance: number = 1000

How far you can dolly out ( PerspectiveCamera only ).

maxPolarAngle: number = Math.PI

How far you can orbit vertically, upper limit. Range is 0 to Math.PI radians.

maxZoom: number = 1000

How far you can zoom out ( OrthographicCamera only ).

maxZoomSpeed: number = 0.20
minAzimuthAngle: number = -10000

How far you can orbit horizontally, lower limit. If set, the interval [ min, max ] must be a sub-interval of [ - 2 PI, 2 PI ], with ( max - min < 2 PI ).

minDistance: number = 0.35

How far you can dolly in ( PerspectiveCamera only ).

minPolarAngle: number = 0

How far you can orbit vertically, lower limit. Range is 0 to Math.PI radians.

minZoom: number = 0.01

How far you can zoom in ( OrthographicCamera only ).

panSpeed: number = 1.0

Speed of panning.

rotateSpeed: number = 2.0

Speed of rotation.

screenSpacePanning: boolean = true

Defines how the camera's position is translated when panning. If true, the camera pans in screen space. Otherwise, the camera pans in the plane orthogonal to the camera's up direction. Default is true for OrbitControls; false for MapControls.

stopDamping: () => void
throttleUpdate: number = 60

Max number of updates in a second, set to 0 to disable throttling.

type: string = 'OrbitControls'
uiConfig?: UiObjectConfig<void, "panel">
zoomSpeed: number = 0.15

Speed of zooming / dollying.

zoomToCursor: boolean = false

Setting this property to true allows to zoom to the cursor's position.
