Class CameraViewPlugin

Camera View Plugin

Provides API to save, interact and animate and loop between with multiple camera states/views using the PopmotionPlugin.

Hierarchy (view full)

  • AViewerPluginSync<"viewChange" | "startViewChange" | "viewAdd" | "viewDelete">
    • CameraViewPlugin



_animating: boolean = false
_animationLooping: boolean = false
_cameraViews: CameraView[] = []
_currentView: undefined | CameraView
_dirty: boolean = false
_infiniteLooping: boolean = true
_popAnimations: AnimationResult[] = []
_viewQueue: CameraView[] = []
_viewer?: ThreeViewer
_viewerListeners: PartialRecord<"update" | "dispose" | "preRender" | "postRender" | "preFrame" | "postFrame" | "*" | "addPlugin" | "renderEnabled" | "renderDisabled", ((e) => void)> = {}

Type declaration

animDuration: number = 1000
animEase: "linear" | "easeIn" | "easeOut" | "easeInOut" | "circIn" | "circOut" | "circInOut" | "backIn" | "backOut" | "backInOut" | "anticipate" | "bounceOut" | "bounceIn" | "bounceInOut" | "easeInOutSine" = 'easeInOutSine'
constructor: typeof AViewerPluginSync & typeof AViewerPlugin
dependencies: typeof PopmotionPlugin[] = ...
enabled: boolean = true
interpolateMode: "linear" | "spherical" = 'spherical'
rotationOffset: number = 0.25
uiConfig: UiObjectConfig<any, string, any> = ...
viewLooping: boolean = false
viewPauseTime: number = 200

Pauses time between view changes when animating all views or looping.

OldPluginType?: string
PluginType: "CameraViews" = 'CameraViews'



  • Parameters

    • __namedParameters: {
          camera?: ICamera<ICameraEvent, ICameraEventTypes>;
          duration?: number;
          easing?: "linear" | Easing | "easeIn" | "easeOut" | "easeInOut" | "circIn" | "circOut" | "circInOut" | "backIn" | "backOut" | "backInOut" | "anticipate" | "bounceOut" | "bounceIn" | "bounceInOut" | "easeInOutSine";
          throwOnStop?: boolean;
          view: CameraView;
      • Optional camera?: ICamera<ICameraEvent, ICameraEventTypes>
      • Optional duration?: number
      • Optional easing?: "linear" | Easing | "easeIn" | "easeOut" | "easeInOut" | "circIn" | "circOut" | "circInOut" | "backIn" | "backOut" | "backInOut" | "anticipate" | "bounceOut" | "bounceIn" | "bounceInOut" | "easeInOutSine"
      • Optional throwOnStop?: boolean
      • view: CameraView

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • Optional selected: Object3D<Event, string>
    • distanceMultiplier: number = 1.5
    • duration: number = 1000
    • Optional ease: "linear" | Easing | "easeIn" | "easeOut" | "easeInOut" | "circIn" | "circOut" | "circInOut" | "backIn" | "backOut" | "backInOut" | "anticipate" | "bounceOut" | "bounceIn" | "bounceInOut" | "easeInOutSine"
    • distanceBounds: {
          max: number;
          min: number;
      } = ...
      • max: number
      • min: number

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • Optional selected: Object3D<Event, string>
    • distanceMultiplier: number = 4
    • Optional duration: number
    • Optional ease: "linear" | Easing | "easeIn" | "easeOut" | "easeInOut" | "circIn" | "circOut" | "circInOut" | "backIn" | "backOut" | "backInOut" | "anticipate" | "bounceOut" | "bounceIn" | "bounceInOut" | "easeInOutSine"
    • distanceBounds: {
          max: number;
          min: number;
      } = ...
      • max: number
      • min: number

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • distanceFromTarget: number

      in world units

    • center: Vector3

      target (center) of the view in world coordinates

    • Optional duration: number

      in milliseconds

    • Optional ease: "linear" | Easing | "easeIn" | "easeOut" | "easeInOut" | "circIn" | "circOut" | "circInOut" | "backIn" | "backOut" | "backInOut" | "anticipate" | "bounceOut" | "bounceIn" | "bounceInOut" | "easeInOutSine"

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • _view: number | CameraView
    • Optional duration: number
    • Optional easing: "linear" | Easing | "easeIn" | "easeOut" | "easeInOut" | "circIn" | "circOut" | "circInOut" | "backIn" | "backOut" | "backInOut" | "anticipate" | "bounceOut" | "bounceIn" | "bounceInOut" | "easeInOutSine"
    • Optional camera: ICamera<ICameraEvent, ICameraEventTypes>
    • throwOnStop: boolean = false

    Returns Promise<void>

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