Class VignettePlugin

Vignette Plugin

Adds an extension to ScreenPass material for applying vignette effect on the final buffer before rendering to screen. The power of the vignette can be controlled with the power property. The color of the vignette can be controlled with the color(previously bgcolor) property.

Hierarchy (view full)



__setDirty?: (() => void)

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Returns void

_dirty: boolean = false
_shaderPatch: string = 'diffuseColor = Vignette(diffuseColor);'
_viewer?: ThreeViewer
_viewerListeners: PartialRecord<"update" | "dispose" | "preRender" | "postRender" | "preFrame" | "postFrame" | "*" | "addPlugin" | "renderEnabled" | "renderDisabled", ((e) => void)> = {}

Type declaration

color: Color = ...
constructor: typeof AScreenPassExtensionPlugin & typeof AViewerPluginSync & typeof AViewerPlugin
enabled: boolean
extraUniforms: {
    bgcolor: {
        value: Color;
    power: {
        value: 1;
} = ...

Type declaration

  • Readonly bgcolor: {
        value: Color;
  • Readonly power: {
        value: 1;
    • Readonly value: 1
power: number = 0.5
priority: number = -50

The priority of the material extension when applied to the material in ScreenPass set to very low priority, so applied at the end

uiConfig?: UiObjectConfig<any, string, any> = undefined
OldPluginType?: string
PluginType: "Vignette" = 'Vignette'



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