Class Mesh2<TGeometry, TMaterial, TE>

Type Parameters





assetType: "model" = ...
children: IObject3D[]

Array with object's children.

THREE.Object3DGroup | Group for info on manually grouping objects.


clone: (recursive?: boolean) => this

Returns a clone of this object and optionally all descendants.

Type declaration

    • (recursive?: boolean): this
    • Parameters

      • Optionalrecursive: boolean

        If true, descendants of the object are also cloned. Default true

      Returns this

copy: (source: IObject3D | Mesh2, recursive?: boolean, ...args: any[]) => this
dispose: (removeFromParent?: boolean) => void

Type declaration

    • (removeFromParent?: boolean): void
    • Parameters

      • OptionalremoveFromParent: boolean

        remove from parent. Default true

      Returns void

geometry: TGeometry

An instance of BufferGeometry (or derived classes), defining the object's structure.

getObjectById: <T extends IObject3D = IObject3D>(id: number) => undefined | T

Searches through an object and its children, starting with the object itself, and returns the first with a matching id.

Type declaration

    • <T extends IObject3D = IObject3D>(id: number): undefined | T
    • Type Parameters


      • id: number

        Unique number of the object instance. Expects a Integer

      Returns undefined | T

Note that ids are assigned in chronological order: 1, 2, 3, ..., incrementing by one for each new object.


getObjectByName: <T extends IObject3D = IObject3D>(
    name: string,
) => undefined | T

Searches through an object and its children, starting with the object itself, and returns the first with a matching name.

Type declaration

Note that for most objects the name is an empty string by default

getObjectByProperty: <T extends IObject3D = IObject3D>(
    name: string,
    value: string,
) => undefined | T

Searches through an object and its children, starting with the object itself, and returns the first with a property that matches the value given.

Type declaration

    • <T extends IObject3D = IObject3D>(name: string, value: string): undefined | T
    • Type Parameters


      • name: string

        the property name to search for.

      • value: string

        value of the given property.

      Returns undefined | T

material: TMaterial

An instance of material derived from the Material base class or an array of materials, defining the object's appearance.

materials: IMaterial[]

Same as material but always returns an array. To set, just set material property

parent: null | IObject3D

Object's parent in the scene graph.

An object can have at most one parent.


refreshUi: (this: IObject3D) => void = iObjectCommons.refreshUi
remove: (...object: IObject3D[]) => this

Removes a Object3D as child of this Object3D.

An arbitrary number of objects may be removed.

Group for info on manually grouping objects.

setDirty: (
    this: IObject3D,
    options?: IObjectSetDirtyOptions,
    ...args: any[],
) => void = iObjectCommons.setDirty

Dispatches 'objectUpdate' event on object.

traverse: (callback: (object: IObject3D) => void) => void

Executes the callback on this object and all descendants.

Type declaration

    • (callback: (object: IObject3D) => void): void
    • Parameters

      • callback: (object: IObject3D) => void

        A function with as first argument an Object3D object.

      Returns void

Note: Modifying the scene graph inside the callback is discouraged.

traverseAncestors: (callback: (object: IObject3D) => void) => void

Executes the callback on all ancestors.

Type declaration

    • (callback: (object: IObject3D) => void): void
    • Parameters

      • callback: (object: IObject3D) => void

        A function with as first argument an Object3D object.

      Returns void

Note: Modifying the scene graph inside the callback is discouraged.

traverseVisible: (callback: (object: IObject3D) => void) => void

Like traverse, but the callback will only be executed for visible objects

Type declaration

    • (callback: (object: IObject3D) => void): void
    • Parameters

      • callback: (object: IObject3D) => void

        A function with as first argument an Object3D object.

      Returns void

Descendants of invisible objects are not traversed.

An object that can be used to store custom data about the Object3D.

It should not hold references to functions as these will not be cloned.

