Class SSAOPluginPass

Hierarchy (View Summary)




after: string[] = ...

Passes that should run before this pass

before: string[] = ...

Passes that should run after this pass

bias: number = 0.001
checkGBufferFlag: boolean = false

Whether to check for gbuffer flag or not. This is used to disable SSAO casting by some objects. its enabled automatically by the SSAOPlugin when required. This is disabled by default so that we dont read texture for no reason.

enabled: boolean = true
falloff: number = 1.3
intensity: number = 0.25
isExtendedShaderPass: true
material: ShaderMaterial2
materialExtension: MaterialExtension = ...
numSamples: number = 8
occlusionWorldRadius: number = 1
onDirty: () => void[] = []
overrideReadBuffer: null | { texture?: Texture } = null
passId: string

Unique id for the pass. Used to determine the order of passes in the pipeline.

required: string[] = ...

Passes that are required to be present in the pipeline to run this pass.

target?: ValOrFunc<undefined | WebGLRenderTarget>
DEFAULT_TEX_ID: "tDiffuse" = 'tDiffuse'

