Interface DropzonePluginOptions

interface DropzonePluginOptions {
    addOptions?: AddAssetOptions;
    allowedExtensions?: string[];
    autoAdd?: boolean;
    autoImport?: boolean;
    domElement?: HTMLElement;
    importOptions?: ImportFilesOptions;


addOptions?: AddAssetOptions

Add options for the RootScene.addObject, used when adding assets to the scene.

allowedExtensions?: string[]

Allowed file extensions. If undefined, all files are allowed.

autoAdd?: boolean

Automatically add dropped and imported assets to the scene. Works only if autoImport is true.

autoImport?: boolean

Automatically import assets when dropped.

domElement?: HTMLElement

The DOM element to attach the dropzone to.

importOptions?: ImportFilesOptions

Import options for the AssetImporter.importFiles, used when importing files.