Class ClearcoatTintPlugin

Clearcoat Tint Plugin Adds a material extension to PhysicalMaterial which adds tint and thickness to the built-in clearcoat properties. It also adds a UI to the material to edit the settings. It uses WEBGI_materials_clearcoat_tint glTF extension to save the settings in glTF files.

Hierarchy (view full)



_dirty: boolean = false
_uniforms: any = ...
_viewer?: ThreeViewer
_viewerListeners: PartialRecord<"update" | "dispose" | "preRender" | "postRender" | "preFrame" | "postFrame" | "*" | "addPlugin" | "renderEnabled" | "renderDisabled", ((e) => void)> = {}

Type declaration

constructor: typeof AViewerPluginSync & typeof AViewerPlugin
enabled: boolean = true
materialExtension: MaterialExtension = ...
uiConfig?: UiObjectConfig<any, string, any> = undefined
CLEARCOAT_TINT_GLTF_EXTENSION: "WEBGI_materials_clearcoat_tint" = 'WEBGI_materials_clearcoat_tint'
OldPluginType?: string
PluginType: "ClearcoatTintPlugin" = 'ClearcoatTintPlugin'



  • Parameters

    • material: PhysicalMaterial
    • Optional params: {
          enableTint?: boolean;
          ior?: number;
          thickness?: number;
          tintColor?: string | number | Color;
      • Optional enableTint?: boolean
      • Optional ior?: number
      • Optional thickness?: number
      • Optional tintColor?: string | number | Color

    Returns undefined | null | {
        enableTint?: boolean;
        ior?: number;
        thickness?: number;
        tintColor?: string | number | Color;

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