color: ColorRepresentationOptional
intensity: numberOptional
distance: numberOptional
angle: numberOptional
penumbra: numberOptional
decay: numberMaximum extent of the spotlight, in radians, from its direction.
If set to true
light will cast dynamic shadows.
Warning: This is expensive and requires tweaking to get shadows looking right. the SpotLightShadow for details.
Array with object's children.
Returns a clone of this
object and optionally all descendants.
recursive: booleanIf true, descendants of the object are also cloned. Default true
Color of the light. \
Copies value of all the properties from the source to this instance.
The amount the light dims along the distance of the light. In context of physically-correct rendering the default value should not be changed.
When Default mode — When distance is zero, light does not attenuate. When distance is non-zero, light will attenuate linearly from maximum intensity at the light's position down to zero at this distance from the light.
When WebGLRenderer.useLegacyLights | legacy lighting mode is disabled — When distance is zero,
light will attenuate according to inverse-square law to infinite distance.
When distance is non-zero, light will attenuate according to inverse-square law until near the distance cutoff,
where it will then attenuate quickly and smoothly to 0
. Inherently, cutoffs are not physically correct.
Searches through an object and its children, starting with the object itself, and returns the first with a matching id.
Searches through an object and its children, starting with the object itself, and returns the first with a matching name.
Searches through an object and its children, starting with the object itself, and returns the first with a property that matches the value given.
The light's intensity.
isObject's parent in the scene graph.
Percent of the SpotLight cone that is attenuated due to penumbra.
positionThis is set equal to Object3D.DEFAULT_UP (0, 1, 0), so that the light shines from the top down.
Group for info on manually grouping objects.
rotationObject's local rotation (Euler angles), in radians.
Dispatches 'objectUpdate' event on object.
Executes the callback on this object and all descendants.
Executes the callback on all ancestors.
Like traverse, but the callback will only be executed for visible objects
Object gets rendered if true
_shadowMoves the bounding box center of the object to the center of the world
Scales the object to fit the given radius.
Extension of three.js SpotLight with additional properties for serialization and UI
Note - gltf serialization is handled by GLTFLightExtrasExtension