Class MeshBasicMaterial2

Hierarchy (view full)



Managed internally, do not change manually

assetType: "material" = ...
constructor: typeof UnlitMaterial
envMap: null | ITexture = null
extraUniformsToUpload: Record<string, IUniform<any>> = {}
generator?: IMaterialGenerator

Managed internally, do not change manually

isUnlitMaterial: true = true
materialExtensions: MaterialExtension[] = []
onAfterRender: ((renderer, scene, camera, geometry, object) => void) = ...

Type declaration

onBeforeRender: ((renderer, scene, camera, geometry, object) => void) = ...

Type declaration

registerMaterialExtensions: ((this, customMaterialExtensions) => void) = iMaterialCommons.registerMaterialExtensions

Type declaration

setDirty: ((this, options?) => void) = iMaterialCommons.setDirty

Type declaration

uiConfig: UiObjectConfig<any, string, any> = ...
unregisterMaterialExtensions: ((this, customMaterialExtensions) => void) = iMaterialCommons.unregisterMaterialExtensions

Type declaration

MaterialProperties: {
    alphaMap: null;
    alphaTest: number;
    alphaToCoverage: boolean;
    aoMap: null;
    aoMapIntensity: number;
    blendDst: 205;
    blendDstAlpha: null;
    blendEquation: 100;
    blendEquationAlpha: null;
    blendSrc: 204;
    blendSrcAlpha: null;
    blending: 1;
    clipIntersection: boolean;
    clipShadows: boolean;
    clippingPlanes: null;
    color: Color;
    colorWrite: boolean;
    combine: 0;
    depthFunc: 3;
    depthTest: boolean;
    depthWrite: boolean;
    dithering: boolean;
    envMap: null;
    envMapIntensity: number;
    flatShading: boolean;
    fog: boolean;
    forceSinglePass: boolean;
    lightMap: null;
    lightMapIntensity: number;
    map: null;
    name: string;
    opacity: number;
    polygonOffset: boolean;
    polygonOffsetFactor: number;
    polygonOffsetUnits: number;
    precision: null;
    premultipliedAlpha: boolean;
    reflectivity: number;
    refractionRatio: number;
    shadowSide: null;
    side: 0;
    skinning: boolean;
    specularMap: null;
    stencilFail: 7680;
    stencilFunc: 519;
    stencilFuncMask: number;
    stencilRef: number;
    stencilWrite: boolean;
    stencilWriteMask: number;
    stencilZFail: 7680;
    stencilZPass: 7680;
    toneMapped: boolean;
    transparent: boolean;
    userData: {};
    vertexColors: boolean;
    visible: boolean;
    wireframe: boolean;
    wireframeLinecap: string;
    wireframeLinejoin: string;
    wireframeLinewidth: number;
} = ...

Type declaration

  • alphaMap: null
  • alphaTest: number
  • alphaToCoverage: boolean
  • aoMap: null
  • aoMapIntensity: number
  • blendDst: 205
  • blendDstAlpha: null
  • blendEquation: 100
  • blendEquationAlpha: null
  • blendSrc: 204
  • blendSrcAlpha: null
  • blending: 1
  • clipIntersection: boolean
  • clipShadows: boolean
  • clippingPlanes: null
  • color: Color
  • colorWrite: boolean
  • combine: 0
  • depthFunc: 3
  • depthTest: boolean
  • depthWrite: boolean
  • dithering: boolean
  • envMap: null
  • envMapIntensity: number
  • flatShading: boolean
  • fog: boolean
  • forceSinglePass: boolean
  • lightMap: null
  • lightMapIntensity: number
  • map: null
  • name: string
  • opacity: number
  • polygonOffset: boolean
  • polygonOffsetFactor: number
  • polygonOffsetUnits: number
  • precision: null
  • premultipliedAlpha: boolean
  • reflectivity: number
  • refractionRatio: number
  • shadowSide: null
  • side: 0
  • skinning: boolean
  • specularMap: null
  • stencilFail: 7680
  • stencilFunc: 519
  • stencilFuncMask: number
  • stencilRef: number
  • stencilWrite: boolean
  • stencilWriteMask: number
  • stencilZFail: 7680
  • stencilZPass: 7680
  • toneMapped: boolean
  • transparent: boolean
  • userData: {}
    • vertexColors: boolean
    • visible: boolean
    • wireframe: boolean
    • wireframeLinecap: string
    • wireframeLinejoin: string
    • wireframeLinewidth: number
    MaterialTemplate: IMaterialTemplate<UnlitMaterial, Partial<{
        alphaMap: null;
        alphaTest: number;
        alphaToCoverage: boolean;
        aoMap: null;
        aoMapIntensity: number;
        blendDst: 205;
        blendDstAlpha: null;
        blendEquation: 100;
        blendEquationAlpha: null;
        blendSrc: 204;
        blendSrcAlpha: null;
        blending: 1;
        clipIntersection: boolean;
        clipShadows: boolean;
        clippingPlanes: null;
        color: Color;
        colorWrite: boolean;
        combine: 0;
        depthFunc: 3;
        depthTest: boolean;
        depthWrite: boolean;
        dithering: boolean;
        envMap: null;
        envMapIntensity: number;
        flatShading: boolean;
        fog: boolean;
        forceSinglePass: boolean;
        lightMap: null;
        lightMapIntensity: number;
        map: null;
        name: string;
        opacity: number;
        polygonOffset: boolean;
        polygonOffsetFactor: number;
        polygonOffsetUnits: number;
        precision: null;
        premultipliedAlpha: boolean;
        reflectivity: number;
        refractionRatio: number;
        shadowSide: null;
        side: 0;
        skinning: boolean;
        specularMap: null;
        stencilFail: 7680;
        stencilFunc: 519;
        stencilFuncMask: number;
        stencilRef: number;
        stencilWrite: boolean;
        stencilWriteMask: number;
        stencilZFail: 7680;
        stencilZPass: 7680;
        toneMapped: boolean;
        transparent: boolean;
        userData: {};
        vertexColors: boolean;
        visible: boolean;
        wireframe: boolean;
        wireframeLinecap: string;
        wireframeLinejoin: string;
        wireframeLinewidth: number;
    }>> = ...
    TYPE: "UnlitMaterial" = 'UnlitMaterial'
    TypeSlug: "bmat" = 'bmat'


    • Disposes the material from the GPU. Set force to false if not sure the material is used by any object in the scene. // todo add check for visible in scene also? or is that overkill

      Returns this

    • Sets the values of this material based on the values of the passed material or an object with material properties The input is expected to be a valid material or a deserialized material parameters object(including the deserialized userdata)


      • parameters: Material<Event, string> | MeshBasicMaterialParameters & {
            type?: string;

        material or material parameters object

      • allowInvalidType: boolean = true

        if true, the type of the oldMaterial is not checked. Objects without type are always allowed.

      • clearCurrentUserData: undefined | boolean = undefined

        if undefined, then depends on material.isMaterial. if true, the current userdata is cleared before setting the new values, because it can have data which wont be overwritten if not present in the new material.

      Returns this

    • Serializes this material to JSON.


      • Optional meta: SerializationMetaType

        metadata for serialization

      • _internal: boolean = false

        Calls only super.toJSON, does internal three.js serialization and

      Returns any


      tags. Set it to true only if you know what you are doing. This is used in Serialization->serializer->material

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