Interface IMaterialUserData

interface IMaterialUserData {
    __envIntensity?: number;
    __importData?: any;
    __isVariation?: boolean;
    __needsSourceBuffer?: boolean;
    __sourceBlob?: IFile;
    __sourceBuffer?: ArrayBuffer;
    _clearcoatTint?: {
        enableTint?: boolean;
        ior?: number;
        thickness?: number;
        tintColor?: string | number | Color;
    _customBumpMap?: null
    | ITexture;
    _customBumpScale?: number;
    _fragmentClippingExt?: {
        clipEnabled?: boolean;
        clipInvert?: boolean;
        clipMode?: FragmentClippingMode;
        clipParams?: Vector4 | Vector4Tuple;
        clipPosition?: Vector4 | Vector4Tuple;
    _hasCustomBump?: boolean;
    _noiseBumpMat?: {
        bumpNoiseParams?: Vector2
        | Vector2Tuple;
        bumpScale?: number;
        flakeClamp?: number;
        flakeFallOffParams?: Vector3 | Vector3Tuple;
        flakeParams?: Vector4 | Vector4Tuple;
        flakeRadius?: number;
        flakeScale?: number;
        hasBump?: boolean;
        useColorFlakes?: boolean;
    cloneCount?: number;
    cloneId?: string;
    disposeOnIdle?: boolean;
    envMapSlotKey?: string;
    forcedLinearDepth?: number;
    gBufferData?: {
        materialId?: number;
        tonemapEnabled?: boolean;
        [key: string]: any;
    inverseAlphaMap?: boolean;
    pluginsDisabled?: boolean;
    postTonemap?: boolean;
    renderToDepth?: boolean;
    renderToGBuffer?: boolean;
    rootPath?: string;
    runtimeMaterial?: boolean;
    separateEnvMapIntensity?: boolean;
    setDirty?: (options?: IMaterialSetDirtyOptions) => void;
    ssaoCastDisabled?: boolean;
    ssaoDisabled?: boolean;
    sscsDisabled?: boolean;
    ssreflDisabled?: boolean;
    ssreflNonPhysical?: boolean;
    uuid?: string;
    [key: string]: any;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • [key: string]: any


__envIntensity?: number
__importData?: any

extra arbitrary data saved by the importer that can be used by the plugins (like gltf material variants)

__isVariation?: boolean
__needsSourceBuffer?: boolean

This can be set to true in the importer to indicate that the source buffer should be loaded and cached in the userdata during processRaw

__sourceBlob?: IFile

Cached source blob for the asset

__sourceBuffer?: ArrayBuffer

Cached source buffer for the asset (only cached when __needsSourceBuffer is set)

_clearcoatTint?: {
    enableTint?: boolean;
    ior?: number;
    thickness?: number;
    tintColor?: string | number | Color;
_customBumpMap?: null | ITexture
_customBumpScale?: number
_fragmentClippingExt?: {
    clipEnabled?: boolean;
    clipInvert?: boolean;
    clipMode?: FragmentClippingMode;
    clipParams?: Vector4 | Vector4Tuple;
    clipPosition?: Vector4 | Vector4Tuple;
_hasCustomBump?: boolean
_noiseBumpMat?: {
    bumpNoiseParams?: Vector2 | Vector2Tuple;
    bumpScale?: number;
    flakeClamp?: number;
    flakeFallOffParams?: Vector3 | Vector3Tuple;
    flakeParams?: Vector4 | Vector4Tuple;
    flakeRadius?: number;
    flakeScale?: number;
    hasBump?: boolean;
    useColorFlakes?: boolean;
cloneCount?: number
cloneId?: string
disposeOnIdle?: boolean

Automatically dispose material when not used by any object in the scene

envMapSlotKey?: string

The environment map to use in the RootScene. To use this, object with the material must be in the RootScene, and the key should exist in the RootScene's textureSlots.

only for materials that have envMap

forcedLinearDepth?: number

Force a depth value in GBuffer. This is useful to force center values like 0 to the depth.

gBufferData?: {
    materialId?: number;
    tonemapEnabled?: boolean;
    [key: string]: any;

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any
  • OptionalmaterialId?: number
  • OptionaltonemapEnabled?: boolean
inverseAlphaMap?: boolean
pluginsDisabled?: boolean

General flag to disable multiple plugins on the material at once, like SSAO, SSR, Bloom etc.

postTonemap?: boolean

Use postTonemap.tonemapEnabled instead. This is kept because used in old files.

renderToDepth?: boolean

Same as renderToGBuffer but for depth only, not normal or flags etc

renderToGBuffer?: boolean
rootPath?: string
runtimeMaterial?: boolean
separateEnvMapIntensity?: boolean

Flag to tell the scene to prefer material.envMapIntensity over scene.envMapIntensity only for materials that have envMapIntensity

setDirty?: (options?: IMaterialSetDirtyOptions) => void
ssaoCastDisabled?: boolean

Cast SSAO on other objects. if casting is not working when this is false, ensure render to depth is true, like for transparent objects

ssaoDisabled?: boolean

Disable SSAOPlugin for this material.

sscsDisabled?: boolean

For SSCSPlugin

ssreflDisabled?: boolean

For SSRPlugin

ssreflNonPhysical?: boolean

For SSRPlugin

uuid?: string