Interface AddObjectOptions

interface AddObjectOptions {
    addToRoot?: boolean;
    autoCenter?: boolean;
    autoScale?: boolean;
    autoScaleRadius?: number;
    centerGeometries?: boolean;
    centerGeometriesKeepPosition?: boolean;
    clearSceneObjects?: boolean;
    disposeSceneObjects?: boolean;
    importConfig?: boolean;
    license?: string;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


addToRoot?: boolean

Add directly to the RootScene object instead of RootScene.modelRoot

autoCenter?: boolean

Automatically center the object in the scene.

autoScale?: boolean

Automatically scale the object according to its bounding box and the autoScaleRadius setting

autoScaleRadius?: number

Radius to use for autoScale autoScale must be true for this to work.

centerGeometries?: boolean

Automatically center the geometries(pivots) in the object hierarchy before adding.

centerGeometriesKeepPosition?: boolean

This centers the geometry while keeping the world position, i.e the mesh(Object3D) positions will change. centerGeometries must be true for this to work.

clearSceneObjects?: boolean

Clear the viewer scene objects before the new object is added. Same as disposeSceneObjects but does not dispose the objects.

disposeSceneObjects?: boolean

Dispose all the scene objects before the new object is added. Same as clearSceneObjects but also disposes the objects.

importConfig?: boolean

any attached viewer config will be ignored if this is set to true

license?: string

Add a license to the object