Variable iGeometryCommonsConst

iGeometryCommons: {
    center: ((superCenter) => ((offset?, keepWorldPosition?) => this));
    clone: ((superClone) => (() => this));
    dispose: ((superDispose) => ((force?) => void));
    makeUiConfig: ((this) => UiObjectConfig<any, string, any>);
    refreshUi: ((this) => void);
    setDirty: ((this, options?) => void);
    upgradeGeometry: ((this) => IGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes>);
} = ...

Type declaration

  • center: ((superCenter) => ((offset?, keepWorldPosition?) => this))
      • (superCenter): ((offset?, keepWorldPosition?) => this)
      • Parameters

        • superCenter: ((target?) => this)
            • (target?): this
            • Center the geometry based on the bounding box.


              Returns this

        Returns ((offset?, keepWorldPosition?) => this)

          • (offset?, keepWorldPosition?): this
          • Parameters

            • Optional offset: Vector3
            • Optional keepWorldPosition: boolean

            Returns this

  • clone: ((superClone) => (() => this))
      • (superClone): (() => this)
      • Parameters

        • superClone: (() => this)
            • (): this
            • Creates a clone of this BufferGeometry

              Returns this

        Returns (() => this)

          • (): this
          • Creates a clone of this BufferGeometry

            Returns this

  • dispose: ((superDispose) => ((force?) => void))
      • (superDispose): ((force?) => void)
      • Parameters

        • superDispose: (() => void)
            • (): void
            • Frees the GPU-related resources allocated by this instance.

              Returns void


              Call this method whenever this instance is no longer used in your app.

        Returns ((force?) => void)

          • (force?): void
          • Disposes the geometry from the GPU. Set force to false if not sure the geometry is used by any object in the scene. // todo add check for visible in scene also? or is that overkill


            • Optional force: boolean

              when true, same as three.js dispose. when false, only disposes if disposeOnIdle not false and not used by any object in the scene. default: true

            Returns void

  • makeUiConfig: ((this) => UiObjectConfig<any, string, any>)
  • refreshUi: ((this) => void)
  • setDirty: ((this, options?) => void)
  • upgradeGeometry: ((this) => IGeometry<NormalBufferAttributes>)

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