Class PerspectiveCamera0

Empty class with the constructor same as PerspectiveCamera in three.js. This can be used to remain compatible with three.js construct signature.

Hierarchy (view full)



activateMain: ((this, options?, _internal?, _refresh?) => void) = iCameraCommons.activateMain

Type declaration

add: ((...object) => this)

Type declaration

assetType: "camera" = ...
autoAspect: boolean

Automatically manage aspect ratio based on window/canvas size. Defaults to true if domElement(canvas) is set.

autoLookAtTarget: boolean = false

Automatically make the camera look at the target on setDirty call Defaults to false. Note that this must be set to true to make the camera look at the target without any controls

autoNearFar: boolean = true

Automatically manage near and far clipping planes based on scene size.

clone: ((recursive?) => this)

Type declaration

    • (recursive?): this
    • Parameters

      • Optional recursive: boolean

      Returns this

controlsMode: string
copy: ((source, recursive?, distanceFromTarget?, worldSpace?) => this)

Type declaration

deactivateMain: ((this, options?, _internal?, _refresh?) => void) = iCameraCommons.deactivateMain

Type declaration

dispatchEvent: ((event) => void)

Type declaration

far: number = 50

Far clipping plane. This is managed by RootScene for active cameras To change the maximum that's possible set maxFarPlane To use a fixed value set autoNearFar to false and set maxFarPlane

focus: number
fov: number
getObjectById: (<T>(id) => undefined | T)

Type declaration

getObjectByName: (<T>(name) => undefined | T)

Type declaration

getObjectByProperty: (<T>(name, value) => undefined | T)

Type declaration

maxFarPlane: number = 1000

Maximum far clipping plane allowed. (Distance from camera) Used in RootScene when autoNearFar is true.

minNearPlane: number = 0.5

Minimum near clipping plane allowed. (Distance from camera) Used in RootScene when autoNearFar is true.


name: string
near: number = 0.01

Near clipping plane. This is managed by RootScene for active cameras To change the minimum that's possible set minNearPlane To use a fixed value set autoNearFar to false and set minNearPlane

position: Vector3

Local position of camera.

refreshTarget: ((this, distanceFromTarget?, setDirty?) => void) = iCameraCommons.refreshTarget

Type declaration

refreshUi: ((this) => void) = iCameraCommons.refreshUi

Type declaration

remove: ((...object) => this)

Type declaration

target: Vector3 = ...

The target position of the camera (where the camera looks at). Also syncs with the, so it's not required to set that separately. Note: this is always in world-space Note: autoLookAtTarget must be set to trye to make the camera look at the target when no controls are enabled

traverse: ((callback) => void)

Type declaration

traverseAncestors: ((callback) => void)

Type declaration

traverseVisible: ((callback) => void)

Type declaration

uiConfig: UiObjectConfig<any, string, any> = ...
userData: ICameraUserData = {}
visible: boolean
zoom: number



  • Serializes this camera with controls to JSON.


    • Optional meta: any

      metadata for serialization

    • baseOnly: boolean = false

      Calls only super.toJSON, does internal three.js serialization. Set it to true only if you know what you are doing.

    Returns any

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