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Adds support for loading .3dm files generated by Rhino 3D. This plugin includes some changes with how 3dm files are loaded in three.js. The changes are around loading layer and primitive properties when set as reference in the 3dm files.

It also adds some helpful options to process the model after load.

import {Rhino3dmLoadPlugin} from 'threepipe'
const rhino3dmPlugin = viewer.addPluginSync(new Rhino3dmLoadPlugin())

rhino3dmPlugin.importMaterials = true // import materials source from 3dm file
rhino3dmPlugin.forceLayerMaterials = true // force material source to be layer in 3dm file.
rhino3dmPlugin.hideLineMesh = true // hide all lines and points in the model.
rhino3dmPlugin.replaceWithInstancedMesh = true // replace meshes with the same parent, geometry and material with a single instance mesh.

const mesh = await viewer.load('file.3dm')

ThreePipe - Make 3D applications on the web