Example — Source Code — API Reference
Asset Exporter Plugin provides options and methods to export the scene, object GLB or Viewer Config. All the functionality is available in the viewer(and AssetExporter
) directly, this plugin only provides an ui-config and maintains state of the options which is saved as plugin configuration along with glb/vjson file
import {ThreeViewer, AssetExporterPlugin} from 'threepipe'
const viewer = new ThreeViewer({...})
const assetExporter = viewer.addPluginSync(new AssetExporterPlugin())
// check the existing options
// enable/disable viewer config/json embedding in glb
assetExporter.viewerConfig = true
// set encryption
assetExporter.encrypt = true
assetExporter.encryptKey = 'superstrongpassword' // comment this to get prompted for a key during export.
// export scene as blob
const blob = assetExporter.exportScene()
// or export and download directly
// export a specific object
const object = viewer.scene.getObjectByName('objectName')
const blob2 = assetExporter.exportObject(object, true) // true to also download
Note: when downloading the model through the plugin, it uses viewer.export, which downloads the files by default, but uploads it to remote destinations when overloaded using FileTransferPlugin