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ExampleSource CodeAPI Reference

DeviceOrientationControlsPlugin enables controlling the main camera rotation in the scene with device orientation. This only works on devices which have a gyroscope(but can also be emulated in devtools in chrome). After the plugin is added, it adds support for setting deviceOrientation as the key in scene.mainCamera.controlMode.

When the controls is started (for the first time), the current camera rotation is and the device orientation is saved and used as reference. To reset the saved device orientation, call resetView in the controls.

Sample Usage

import {ThreeViewer, DeviceOrientationControlsPlugin, Mesh2} from 'threepipe'

const viewer = new ThreeViewer({...})


// after some user action
viewer.scene.mainCamera.controlsMode = 'deviceOrientation'

// to reset the saved device orientation

// switch back to default orbit controls
viewer.scene.mainCamera.controlsMode = 'orbit'

ThreePipe - Make 3D applications on the web