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CustomBumpMapPlugin adds a material extension to PhysicalMaterial to support custom bump maps. A Custom bump map is similar to the built-in bump map, but allows using an extra bump map and scale to give a combined effect. This plugin also has support for bicubic filtering of the custom bump map and is enabled by default. It also adds a UI to the material to edit the settings. It uses WEBGI_materials_custom_bump_map glTF extension to save the settings in glTF/glb files.

import {ThreeViewer, CustomBumpMapPlugin} from 'threepipe'

const viewer = new ThreeViewer({...})

const customBump = viewer.addPluginSync(CustomBumpMapPlugin)

// Add noise bump to a material
customBump.enableCustomBump(material, bumpMap, 0.2)

// Change properties with code or use the UI
material.userData._customBumpMat = texture

// Disable
material.userData._hasCustomBump = false
// or 
material.userData._customBumpMat = null

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