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SSAA Plugin adds support for Super Sampling Anti-Aliasing to the viewer. Simply add the plugin to the viewer to use it.

It jitters the camera view offset over multiple frames, which are then blended by the ProgressivePlugin to create a higher quality image. This is useful for reducing aliasing artifacts in the scene.

By default, the pipeline only renders once per request animation frame. So we don't get any anti-aliasing while moving. For that, either use the TAA(Temporal Anti-aliasing) plugin or for the case of simple scenes - render multiple times per frame which can be done by setting plugin.rendersPerFrame or viewer.rendersPerFrame. Check out the example to see the effect on frame rate.


const ssaa = viewer.addPluginSync(new SSAAPlugin())

ssaa.enabled = true // toggle jittering(if you want to set custom view offset)

ssaa.rendersPerFrame = 4 // render 4 times per frame (max 32 is useful)

ThreePipe - Make 3D applications on the web