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FrameFadePlugin adds a post-render pass to the render manager and blends the last frame with the current frame over time. This is useful for creating smooth transitions between frames for example when changing the camera position, material, object properties, etc to avoid a sudden jump.

import {ThreeViewer, FrameFadePlugin} from 'threepipe'

const viewer = new ThreeViewer({...})

const fadePlugin = viewer.addPluginSync(new FrameFadePlugin())

// Make some changes in the scene (any visual change that needs to be faded)

// Start transition and wait for it to finish
await fadePlugin.startTransition(400) // duration in ms

To stop a transition, call fadePlugin.stopTransition(). This will immediately set the current frame to the last frame and stop the transition. The transition is also automatically stopped when the camera is moved or some pointer event occurs on the canvas.

The plugin automatically tracks setDirty() function calls in objects, materials and the scene. It can be triggerred by calling setDirty on any material or object in the scene. Check the example for a demo. This can be disabled by options in the plugin.

ThreePipe - Make 3D applications on the web