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HDRiGroundPlugin patches the background shader in the renderer to add support for ground projected environment map/skybox. Works simply by setting the background same as the environemnt and enabling the plugin.

The world radius, tripod height, and origin position(center offset) can be set in the plugin.

The plugin is disabled by default when added. Set .enabled to enable it or pass true in the constructor. If the background is not the same as the environment when enabled, the user will be prompted for this, unless promptOnBackgroundMismatch is set to false in the plugin.

import {ThreeViewer, HDRiGrounPlugin} from 'threepipe'

const viewer = new ThreeViewer({...})

const hdriGround = viewer.addPluginSync(new HDRiGrounPlugin())

// Load an hdr environment map
await viewer.setEnvironmentMap('')
// set background to environment
viewer.scene.background = 'environment'
// or 
// viewer.scene.background = viewer.scene.environemnt

// enable the plugin
hdriGround.enabled = true

Check the example for a demo.

ThreePipe - Make 3D applications on the web