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Object3DGeneratorPlugin adds support for creating different types of lights and camera objects in the viewer. Call the generate method with any type to generate a type of object(like lights, cameras, mesh etc).

Support for the following types of generators is included in the plugin:

  • camera-perspective - Creates instance of PerspectiveCamera2
  • light-directional - Creates instance of DirectionalLight2
  • light-ambient - Creates instance of AmbientLight2
  • light-point - Creates instance of PointLight2
  • light-spot - Creates instance of SpotLight2
  • light-hemisphere - Creates instance of HemisphereLight2
  • light-rect-area - Creates instance of RectAreaLight2

Additional types of generators can be added dynamically or by other plugins by adding a custom generator function to the Object3DGeneratorPlugin.generators object. This is done by GeometryGeneratorPlugin to add various type of primitive objects like plane, sphere, etc A custom generator can take in any kind object as parameters and should return an IObject3D.

Sample Usage

import {ThreeViewer, Object3DWidgetsPlugin, Object3DGeneratorPlugin, Mesh2} from 'threepipe'

const viewer = new ThreeViewer({...})

const generator = viewer.addPluginSync(Object3DGeneratorPlugin)
generator.generate('camera-perspective', {
  position: new Vector3(5, 5, 0),
  name: 'My Camera'
const light = generator.generate('light-spot', {
  position: new Vector3(5, 0, 0),

// to add support for a custom helper
plugin.generators['custom-object'] = (params)=>{
  const object = new Mesh2(new PlaneGeometry(1,1), new PhysicalMaterial()) = ?? 'Custom Mesh'
  if(params.position) object.position.copy(params.position)
  return object
const obj = generator.generate('custom-object', {
  position: new Vector3(5, 0, 0),

// Add Object3DWidgetsPlugin to see the added lights and cameras.
viewer.addPluginSync(new Object3DWidgetsPlugin())

Check the example for the UI.

ThreePipe - Make 3D applications on the web