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Exports GeometryGeneratorPlugin with several Geometry generators to create parametric and updatable geometries like plane, circle, sphere, box, torus, cylinder, cone etc.

ExampleSource CodeAPI Reference

NPM Package

npm install @threepipe/plugin-geometry-generator

The generated geometries/meshes include the parameters in the userData and can be re-generated by changing the parameters from the UI or the plugin API.

Includes the following generator which inherit from AGeometryGenerator:

Sample Usage:

import {ThreeViewer, UnlitMaterial} from 'threepipe'
import {GeometryGeneratorPlugin} from '@threepipe/plugin-geometry-generator'

const viewer = new ThreeViewer({...})
const generator = viewer.addPluginSync(GeometryGeneratorPlugin)

const sphere = generator.generateObject('sphere', {radius: 3})

// to update the geometry
generator.updateGeometry(sphere.geometry, {radius: 4, widthSegments: 100})

// to add a custom generator
generator.generators.custom = new CustomGenerator('custom') // Extend from AGeometryGenerator or implement GeometryGenerator interface
// refresh the ui so the new generator is available to select.

// change the material type for all objects
generator.defaultMaterialClass = UnlitMaterial // by default its PhysicalMaterial
viewer.scene.addObject(generator.generateObject('box', {width: 2, height: 2, depth: 2}))

ThreePipe - Make 3D applications on the web