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ExampleSource CodeAPI Reference

Provides animation/tweening capabilities to the viewer using the library.

Overrides the driver in popmotion to sync with the viewer and provide ways to store and stop animations.

import {PopmotionPlugin, ThreeViewer} from 'threepipe'

const viewer = new ThreeViewer({...})

const cube = viewer.scene.getObjectByName('cube');

const popmotion = viewer.addPluginSync(new PopmotionPlugin())

// Move the object cube 1 unit up.
const anim = popmotion.animateTarget(cube, 'position', {
  to: cube.position.clone().add(new Vector3(0,1,0)),
  duration: 500, // ms
  onComplete: () => isMovedUp = true,
  onStop: () => throw(new Error('Animation stopped')),

// Alternatively, set the property directly in onUpdate.
const anim1 = popmotion.animate({
  from: cube.position.y,
  to: cube.position.y + 1,
  duration: 500, // ms
  onUpdate: (v) => {
  onComplete: () => isMovedUp = true,
  onStop: () => throw(new Error('Animation stopped')),
  onEnd: () => console.log('Animation ended'), // This runs after both onComplete and onStop

// await for animation. This promise will reject only if an exception is thrown in onStop or onComplete. onStop rejects if throwOnStop is true
await anim.promise.catch((e)=>{
  console.log(e, 'animation stopped before completion')

// or stop the animation
// anim.stop()

// Animate the color
await popmotion.animateAsync({ // Also await for the animation.
  from: '#' + cube.material.color.getHexString(),
  to: '#' + new Color().setHSL(Math.random(), 1, 0.5).getHexString(),
  duration: 1000, // 1s
  onUpdate: (v) => {

Note: The animation is started when the animate or animateAsync function is called.

ThreePipe - Make 3D applications on the web