SVG Rendering from 3d scenes helper plugin using three-svg-renderer (GPLV3 Licenced)


  • AViewerPluginSync<"">
    • ThreeSVGRendererPlugin



_dirty: boolean = false
_fillPass: FillPass
_lastStyles?: string = undefined
_meshes: Map<string, SVGMesh> = ...
_meshesNeedsUpdate: boolean = true
_rendering: boolean = false
_viewer?: ThreeViewer
_viewerListeners: {
    postRender: ((_) => void);
} = ...

Type declaration

  • postRender: ((_) => void)
      • (_): void
      • Parameters

        • _: IViewerEvent

        Returns void

alwaysUpdateMeshes: boolean = true

Update meshes on every render. If this is false, meshes will only be updated when they change. (tracked using objectUpdate event)

autoAddToContainer: boolean = true

automatically add the svg to the viewer container and style it same as the viewer is position is absolute

autoMakeSvgObjects: boolean = true

Automatically create SVG objects for all meshes in the scene. If this is false, you will have to manually create SVG objects for meshes using makeSVGObject method.

autoRender: boolean = true

Automatically render when camera or any object changes.

constructor: typeof AViewerPluginSync & typeof AViewerPlugin
creaseAngle: Vector2 = ...

Min and Max Crease angle for mesh edges.

drawHiddenContours: boolean = true

Draw hidden contours of meshes.

drawImageFills: boolean = false

Draw image fills. (fill image from rendered canvas image). Make sure canvas is rendered(and render pipeline has a render pass) before calling this.

drawPolygonFills: boolean = true

Draw polygon fills. (fill color from material.color)

drawPolygonStrokes: boolean = true

Draw polygon strokes. (stroke color from material.color)

drawPolygons: boolean = true

Use the fill pass to draw polygons.(both fills and strokes)

drawVisibleContours: boolean = true

Draw visible contours of meshes.

enabled: boolean = true
renderer: SVGRenderer = ...
svgNodeContainer: HTMLDivElement = ...
uiConfig?: UiObjectConfig<any, string, any> = undefined
OldPluginType?: string
PluginType: "ThreeSVGRendererPlugin" = 'ThreeSVGRendererPlugin'
SVG_RENDER_TIMEOUT: number = 2000



  • Parameters

    • e: IViewerEvent

    Returns IViewerEvent

  • Parameters

    • Optional prefix: string

    Returns string

  • Returns ISerializedConfig | Record<string, never>

  • Parameters

    • state: any

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • Optional meta: SerializationMetaType

    Returns ISerializedConfig

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